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Uniform Shop
Uniform Order Form

School Uniform Policy


Students are requested to wear school uniform at all times, unless a special program or event is taking place at school (in this event prior notice will be given to students and parents).  If for any reason a student does not wear school uniform, a note will be necessary from parents.  Should a student continually appear at school out of uniform, the school will contact the parents and ask for their support in this matter.


It is essential that all articles of clothing are clearly labelled with a laundry-type marker pen.


> Adequate footwear, preferably closed sandshoes for safety. No thongs.

> Students must wear hats at all times when outside. 

> There is a ‘No hat - play in the shade’ policy in operation.


Uniform Shop


To order uniform items:


Information coming soon.



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Contact Details

Belmont Primary School

213 Great Eastern Highway


WA 6104


Phone: (08) 6216 1800



© 2024  Belmont Primary School

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