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Room 7 - Year 5/6
Term 4 Update


Here's a brief summary of what we have been doing in class:


Spelling: The students have adapted well to a significant change in their spelling program, with half the class stepping up and learning harder words than usual.


Writing: We have been revisiting narrative writing through the Seven Steps program. The class has been engaged and getting a lot of enjoyment out of the activities involved.


Reading: Our class novel has been a book called 'Doubting Thomas'. We have had a mixture of group reading, teacher-read, and the audiobook, followed by a discussion and novel study activities. 


Maths: In maths we have been revisiting some of the previously covered content such as working with decimal fractions.


HASS: This term we have been focusing on Geography, beginning with a focus on the regions of Asia. A lot of students in the class have been able to show us where they are from on a world map.


Design and Technology: Last week the class was given the task of brainstorming individual ideas to make a board game out of a pizza box. Students then proposed these ideas to group members and decided on one, or to blend them together. 

In the coming weeks we will be designing and constructing these board games. Students have the option to bring materials from home, such as character figures that may serve as board game pieces


Mr Gough (Year 5/6 Teacher)


Contact Details

Belmont Primary School

213 Great Eastern Highway


WA 6104


Phone: (08) 6216 1800



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